Monday, June 14, 2010

Crysis Model

Level and Objects at

note, if terrain texture does not appear on loading, do the following:
Terrain>Layer Painter> select largest radius, zero hardness, pick any texture> apply anywhere in landscape and the terrain should recover its texture.

Merkel's elevator to valley floor: n
Merkel's elevator returning to office: t
Keller's elevator to valley floor: o
Keller's elevator returning to office: r
For table to appear once at valley floor: u
Merkel's elevator within office, from top floor down to entrance: p
Merkel's elevator within office back to top floor: q

Recommended order:
1. Starting from Merkel's top floor office, press p to go down
2. Hop onto elevator outside bottom floor entrance and press n
3. Once at valley floor, press u for table to appear
4. Return to Merkel's office by pressing t
5. Starting from Keller's elevator, press o
6. Once at valley floor, press u for table or press r to return to Keller's office.

Merkel's elevator to valley floor is at the bottom of the office, small white oval in this picture.

Keller's elevator to valley floor is at the end of the longest 'protrusion', small white oval in this picture at bottom.

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